Our Mission
Our passion is to help provide food for everyone who needs food. Our target niche is those in difficult situations particularly our neighbors and co-workers who are struggling to make ends meet.
We are here for you. We understand that life has its twists and turns. We know the stress that comes with a sudden loss of a job, the death of the breadwinner, health issues, etc.
We know the shame that comes with not being able to make ends meet or buy enough food for your family. We are here to help and we will protect your privacy as you get back on your feet.
To register for our General Pantry Program, please follow the button below
To register for the Federal Emergency Food Assistance Program, please follow the button below
Please be advised this program is a federal program
and as such contains income limits
Anchorage Food Pantry
Open Twice a Month
Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 11am-2pm

csFp Program
Revive Alaska Community Services is partnered with the Food Bank of Alaska to provide food boxes to homebound seniors through the Commodities Supplemental Food Program also known as CSFP, a federal program assisting low-income seniors with supplemental foods at no cost. USDA provides 100% American-grown USDA foods and administrative funds to states to operate CSFP. Clients of this program are senior citizens over 60 years of age and who are at or below 130% of the Federal Poverty Income Guideline. RACS hand delivers these food boxes each month.