Prayer Focus: Pray for all governing authorities in Alaska and the USA.
1 Tim 2:1-7
“Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.”
Monday 27th – Pray for the Alaska Senate, Congressional Assembly, and House of Representatives, and Judiciary System in Alaska.
Deuteronomy 16:18-20
“You shall appoint judges and officers in all your gates, which the Lord your God gives you, according to your tribes, and they shall judge the people with just judgment. You shall not pervert justice; you shall not show partiality, nor take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous.”
Let’s pray that the hearts of the Senators will be drawn towards the Lord and they will seek Him for wisdom to rule over the state of Alaska. Let’s pray that they will align themselves and yield to His direction.
Let’s pray that the members of the House of representatives would come together in unity and truthfully represent the people within their districts.
Let’s pray that the eyes of the House Representatives would be open to the violence and evil that is occurring within Alaska. Let’s pray that they would move into action to start making a change for the better.
Let’s pray that every judge from the lowest to the highest ranking would judge without bias or emotion but only with what is in accordance to the law. Let’s also pray that they will lean towards sentences that edify the perpetrator for good.
Let’s pray for the leader of God’s Family Missionary Movement. Let’s pray that God would continue to lead Him and guide Him in wisdom and knowledge.
Tuesday 28th – Pray for Alaska Governor, Mayor, all in leadership positions in government, and Marketplace.
2 Kings 2:19-22
“Then the men of the city said to Elisha, ‘Please notice, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my Lord sees; but the water is bad, and the ground barren.’ And He said, ‘Bring me a new bowl, and put salt in it.’ So they brought it to him. Then he went out to the source of the water, and cast in the salt there, and said, ‘Thus says the Lord: “I have healed this water; from it there shall be no more death or barrenness.
Let's pray that Governor Dunleavy will continue to partner with God to change this state and that God will anoint him with the grace and courage to veto laws that are against Biblical principles.
Let’s pray for the mayors throughout Alaska. Let’s pray that they will have a renewed vision, a Godly vision for welcoming cities, to want to meet the needs of the poor, the destitute, the homeless, and the addicts. Also, let’s pray that they welcome Christian ministries and programs that can come to the aid of those most desperately in need.
Let's pray for all those that are in leadership positions in government to lead in godliness and righteousness.
Let’s pray for openness in the marketplaces to preach the gospel and that there will be no hindrances from government officials to prevent believers and churches from sharing the gospel within their cities.
Wednesday 29th– Spiritual warfare against evil governance.
Isaiah 5:18-24, Is 1:21-26
“…Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
Daniel 10:12-13
Then he said to me, "Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia.
Let’s come against every demonic principality and power that try to operate in government and dismantle and destroy every evil assignment set against the state of Alaska.
Let’s pray for anyone in government that is motivated by satanic agenda, one that caters to ungodliness of any kind and against any spirit in them that favors legislation toward perversion or immoral acts of any kind.
Let’s pray that those who are operating out of the spirit of deception or the spirit of Antichrist will be removed and be replaced with those who are righteous and Christ-like.
Let’s come against all legislation that has been voted in times past and currently by Congress and the House of Representatives that brought reproach to the nation and provoked the heart of God, and let’s cause them to be revoked in Jesus name.
Let’s pray for God’s Family and that God would touch viewers that are watching our broadcasts to partner with the ministry.
Thursday 30th– Pray for the State and Federal Judiciary to judge with righteous judgment.
Deuteronomy 16:18-20
"You shall appoint judges and officers in all your gates, which the LORD your God gives you, according to your tribes, and they shall judge the people with just judgment. You shall not pervert justice; you shall not show partiality, nor take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous.”
Let's pray that the Holy Spirit will touch the heart of every judge. Pray that they will align themselves with and submit to the only Righteous Judge. Lets pray that they will use their alignment and submission in all their proceedings.
Let’s pray all the Christian lawyers and judges would be sanctified in the Lord. Pray they would pursue His purposes for their lives and justice for all people. Let’s also pray that they would be promoted and not shy away from leadership positions over this land.
Judges 4:4-7 Let’s pray that those like Deborah would rise up in our courts and govern in the gates of Alaska and the USA regardless of race, age, or sex. Let’s pray they will judge justly and impartially at all times so God will give them victory in every case.
Let’s pray that the Holy Spirit will convict any state or federal judge who has been operating on their own agenda, taking bribes, or judge with partiality. Let’s pray they will repent and seek the Lord for forgiveness and restoration.
Let’s pray that God’s Family members would grow in Jesus Christ. Let’s pray that we would grow spiritually, physically and in every way.
Friday 31st– Pray for the Governments in Alaska and the USA
1 Tim 2:1-7
“Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.”
Isaiah 9:6-7
“For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgement and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.”
Prayer for Repentance: James 4:17 Let's repent on behalf of the government for all forms of bad governance. Pray for all those who govern within Alaska and the USA would see the bad governance and repent and make the decision to govern righteously and justly from this point forward.
Prayer against Evil Principalities: Daniel 10:12-13 Let's come against every governmental principality that stands against good governance, economic prosperity, spreading of the gospel in Alaska and the USA.
Prayer for Legislation/Policies. Isaiah 5:18-24 Let's pray that all bad legislation and policies would be repealed, and replaced with new ones that reflect God’s righteousness. Let’s come against every influential, diabolic spirit behind the scene pushing for laws that serve the kingdom of darkness.
Prayer for Righteousness: Proverbs 14:34 Let's pray for righteous governments to arise in Alaska and the USA. Let’s pray for the removal of those who refuse to submit to the righteousness of God and His word that continues to bring reproach to our nation.
Prayer for the President/Governor. 1 Kings 3:5-15 Let’s pray for the President of the USA and Governor of Alaska to seek God and ask Him to give them a wise and understanding heart to judge the people and to know good and evil. Let’s pray for God to grant them their request and be pleased with them.
Saturday Feb 1st– Pray for God to raise a new crop of righteous leaders in government across Alaska and the USA.
Exodus 18:21-22
“Moreover, you shall select from all the people able men, such as fear of God, men of truth, hating covetous; and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.”
Let’s pray that God will touch hearts all across Alaska and the US and raise up a new era of righteous leaders. A people who will boldly stand on the truth of God’s word and call good, good and evil, evil and will seek to please God and not man and won’t be swayed by the spirit of the age.
Let’s pray for God to anoint those chosen to lead in Alaska and the US with boldness and courage to lead with all righteousness, in a way that pleases God, not man or themselves.
Let's pray for safety, blessings, and fresh anointing to come upon every upcoming leader. Let’s come against all hindering spirits that would try to stop their ascent into offices.
Let’s pray that the Lord Himself will remove every Saul in leadership across the state of Alaska and the US and place His anointing upon the Davids of our time and cause them to reign instead of the Saul's.