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The National Day of Prayer has great significance for us as a nation as it enables us to recall and to teach the way in which our founding fathers sought the wisdom of God when faced with critical decisions. Join us on May 6th as we seek God for guidance for this country and stand with others on the National Day of Prayer.

Prayer Focus 1: Family 

(Ephesians 3:19-25, Acts 17:24-28, Luke 3:21))


  1. Prompt every family to bow before the father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name, granting them according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His spirit, rooted and grounded in love, and be filled up to all the fullness of God. 

  2. Fill our family, drawing us closer to You and one another. Make our families Your instruments of love, life and liberty in the communities where you have established us. 

  3. Rest on families and all children would hear affirmation and affection from their parents, as the Lord Spoke over his Son.

  4. Let’s pray that God would preserve the family structure as He originally intended.

  5. Let’s pray for every child that’s estranged from their family, every child that has been lost, stolen, or a runaway to be returned and restored back into their family.

  6. Let’s pray for every child that is suffering from neglect, starvation. and abuse to be healed, restored, and provided for. 

  7. Let’s pray for women and men that are suffering physical and verbal abuse that they will be healed, and that they will no longer be victims and that their perpetrators would be delivered from their own trauma and no longer victimize. 





Prayer Focus 2: Religion

(Ephesians 4:3-5, Galatians 6:10, Psalm 33:1-5)


  1. Let’s pray against the spirit of division among denominations within the Christian community. Let’s pray for unity, love, and oneness. 

  2. Let’s pray for those that follow Antichrist religions and that they come to the knowledge of the truth of Christ and the gift of redemption and salvation. 

  3. Let’s pray that Christians would be the salt and light God has called us to be in this dark and dying world.

  4. Let’s pray that God would forgive us as the Church for not standing in the gap for this nation. May we take prayer seriously for our neighbors, churches, communities, cities, and states.

  5. Let’s pray that despite the rampant increase in sin and perversion that has taken ahold of this nation, that God would not remove His hedge of protection around America, that any breach that has transpired because of our sin would be repaired and restored by the Spirit of the Lord.






Prayer Focus 3: Workplace  

(Colossians 3:23, 1 Cor 15:58, 2 Timothy 3:16-17))


  1. Pray to be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, love, life, and liberty, knowing that our toil is not in vain in the Lord. 

  2. Pray to be filled, taught, and inspired with the word and Spirit of the Lord to be equipped for every good work. 

  3. Pray that the work habits, ethics, and lifestyle that we exhibit before our co-workers would be as a living epistle such that those who are unsaved will come to know the Lord by the example we live, being honest in all things and working diligently.






Prayer Focus 4:  Education

(Isaiah 1:17, Colossians 1:9, Psalm 119:73)


  1. Let’s pray that the Holy Spirit will teach us His ways and to carefully listen to instructions on what is right or wrong.

  2. Pray to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding 

  3. Pray to be taught that God’s hands made and fashioned them and given understanding that they may learn and discern what is holy and what is profane and follow the Lord’s commandments so that they know His love and liberty

  4. Pray that our educational institutions will not become instruments of Satan to corrupt the minds of our children by educating them in ungodly principles not crucial to their educational development. 

  5. Let’s pray for intellectual dominion to reside in us for our educational endeavors including our children that are attending school giving us a supernatural ability to understand and learn educational material.




Prayer Focus 7:  Arts, Media, & Entertainment

(1 Peter 4:10, Isaiah 26:7-9,Ephesians 4:25 )


  1. Let’s pray that Holy Spirit’s gifts would inspire the creative, performance, and content of writers, entertainers, artists, and the media, so that audiences would hear and see beauty and hear truth. 

  2. Lets pray that Christians would not have to compromise their faith to get work but would be treated equitably in this industry so that God would be magnified not mocked and our screens and stages would be filled with the Spirit-Filled meaningful messages of love, life, and liberty. 

  3. Let’s pray that God would provide more open doors including provision and financing for Christian artists to produce Godly content that would honor Him and inspire those who watch it. 

  4. Let’s pray for a complete turnaround for secular artists who are called by God to be touched by God to completely repent and use their gifts to edify God and the Kingdom of God.



Prayer Focus 5:  Military 

(Zechariah 10:5, Acts 1:8, 2 Timothy 2:3-4)


  1. Pray to be strong and lighting fighting for the Lord, to trample the enemy and defend the afflicted 

  2. Pray to be filled with Your power to be Your witness, worshippers, and warriors bringing love, life, and liberty as they defend freedom. 

  3. Pray to be protected from being entangled and distracted by everyday earthly affairs, always focused in mind and body on their Lord, mission, and leaders.

  4. Let’s pray for the comfort of the family members of those enlisted in the military, that they would have peace of mind and hope for every relative that’s enlisted.



Prayer Focus 6:  Government

(Isaiah 11:1-5, Psalm 33:12, Psalm 89:14)


  1. Pray all elected and appointed leaders would be filled with the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord and will judge with righteousness by His Spirit they will make laws and give decisions. 

  2. Pray that America would be known and blessed as a nation whose God is the Lord, and a faithful people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance.

  3. Pray that America’s foundations would align with righteousness and justice in the foundation of God’s throne, lovingkindness and truth will surround us as Christ’s love, life, and liberty are found in us. 

  4. Pray that any legislation passed during this time that exalts itself against the knowledge and principles of God will not stand and that they would be overturned.

  5. Pray that the cartels that are driving the sex/child-trafficking industry be exposed and broken, that the children that have been victimized and traumatized by this abuse would be recovered and healed, and that strategic breakthorughs for rescuing children from sex trafficking will happen expediently.   

  6. Pray that this country which is so divided politically, racially, and ideologically would be united by the power of the Holy Spirit through the prayers of the church, that we would recognize that a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. Let’s pray that this nation would wake up, humble ourselves, and repent that God might make us as one.


Prayer Focus 8: Church

(Ephesians 4:3-5, Galatians 6:10, Psalm 33:1-5)

  1. Pray that we would be diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace knowing there is one body and one Spirit, just as we were called in one hope of our calling and one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over and all through all and in all.

  2. Pray and unite us in love, bringing churches together to spread the gospel and do justice bringing love, life and liberty throughout their communities 

  3. Pray that we would sing and serve skillfully with shouts of joy, work, and worship in accordance to His word, will, and ways.

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